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How to start your own business?

At the end of last week, an article was published on the portal www.mojkvart.hr entitled “How to start your own business?”.

We are now uploading the published article to our website:


You decided to become self-employed because you no longer have the desire to work for someone else. You have great ideas and you have finally decided to realize them. You have the will and desire to work, but administration is not your strong point. Don’t know if you should invest more or less? There is no such thing as enough money,

To begin with, it is necessary to choose the activity and form of entrepreneurship that you will open. There are several types of business entities, and for the purposes of this article we will refer only to the two most common: limited liability companies (d.o.o.) / simple limited liability companies and trades.

Very often, the question arises as to what is more profitable to open. Of course, everything depends on you and your wishes and needs.

Will you decide on d.o.o. or j.d.o.o. or the craft depends on several factors, of which we will single out:

  1. Establishment costs – depend on the type you open. If you are establishing a d.o.o. establishment costs are higher – about HRK 3,000. You will need about HRK 800 to establish a j.d.o.o., depending on the documents required in the procedure.
  2. The difference in the initial share capital – for the establishment of a d.o.o. the minimum share capital must be HRK 20,000, and for j.d.o.o. the smallest share capital is HRK 10. However, there is a catch because as the owner of j.d.o.o. have to reserve a quarter of the profit until the share capital amount of HRK 20,000 is met. And to start a business, you will definitely need a little more than HRK 10.
  3. To open a business, you will need to allocate around HRK 300.
  4. The difference in the way of taxation – the tax system in Croatia is unfortunately very variable and it is best to consult with the future accountant.
  5. Paying employees – taxation of self-employment for the employer depends on a number of factors (personal deduction, surtax of place of residence). In the case of trades, the income you have achieved on an annual basis is taxed.

There are many other differences, advantages and disadvantages of one or another form of entrepreneurship.

After considering all the differences of establishing a trading company or opening a business, it remains up to you to decide independently what you will open. There is no universal advice because everyone knows best if they have the initial capital or not. But don’t let this decision sway you and give up on self-employment.

You have a business idea and want to enter the world of entrepreneurship, but you lack the necessary knowledge and skills? You are confused by the amount of regulations and documents you need to provide?

The trading company KSB POSLOVANJE will help you decide on the choice of form of entrepreneurship and assist you in establishing it, take over the timely and accurate management of business books, provide an objective analysis of the business process, the necessary procedures for cost management, and help in the organization and restructuring of business obligations.

We will be your partner in building your entrepreneurial paths!